Ways to Save in 2018

Ways to Save in 2018

If you are looking for some new and different ways to save money in 2018, then you come to the right place. The following savings tips can help you save change around your home and the money management tips can help your finances to grow. Let’s look at some money saving tactics that will make your finances grow in 2018. 




American people are not great savers when compared to other countries. However, that does not mean that American people can’t be great at storing their money away for an emergency economic situation or as a financial cushion against for future use. Self-control, diligence and careful planning are a few habits that you can get going to build up some savings.

Self-control is important because it will allow you to put money away instead of spending it all up once you get it in your hands. Diligence is necessary because it will keep you on the right track with your savings goals. Careful planning is needed so that you know what you want to save for and how much you need to put away each pay period.

Most people look at time in terms of past, present and future. This is a linear way of seeing things. While this is no problem in terms of how you see your life, it can be problematic when it comes to saving. Why? Because people who see things in terms of a linear time progression tend to be more optimistic about their savings. In other words, they save less money because they think they will always have money in the future. So, they end up spending more than saving. This isn't the case when it comes to your finances. Plan ahead!

Start by budgeting your income every month. How much you intake v.s. how much you spend. Account for all your bills. Any extra at the end of the month should go in savings. "How on earth do I do that?" you might be asking, it's possible, but tough. Extremely tough. Begin subtracting things out of your day to day life that are not vital to your well being. Things like, subscriptions to apps like Netflix or Hulu, or meal boxes like Blue Apron or Hello Fresh. 
Then move on to more drastic measures like slowing down on eating out so frequently and taking long distant trips. Viewing movies you already have versus going out into the local cinema for the newest movies.  These are just a few things to test run and start off with to get your savings going. Once you see some numbers stack up, it almost becomes a game to continue to see how much more you can save up.

Another thing you should is make your savings automatic. This simply means taking out a certain percentage of your money from each of your checks and not touching it all. You can have this set up through your credit union or bank account. 
One great way to start your savings program is through your tax return. Business and home owners should come to P.T.R.C. or Property Tax Reduction Consultant for their services before the tax cut off date.
