Tips to Simplify the Morning Routine

Tips to Simplify the Morning Routine

So you want to get out the door at the same time everyday but you don't want to get up any earlier than necessary. How do you accomplish this seemingly impossible feat? The answer is with organization and preparation, kind of like your property taxes! Planning ahead is always your best option»

Think Ahead With Breakfast 

Breakfast is an extremely important meal, but who has time to cook one in the morning? The best thing to do is cut up fruit over the weekend and add that fruit to a waffle, oatmeal or something you can make quickly. It keeps the breakfast meal nutritious but it doesn't force you to get up any earlier! 
Avoid That Snooze Button 
Snoozing your alarm clock always seems like a good idea at the time, but for some reason it never turns out that way. You become more frazzled as a result and then nobody is happy-- especially your boss! Try charging your phone in an outlet that is far away from your bed so that you get to sleep quicker and you actually have to get out of bed if you were going to turn off the alarm. 
Let the Sun Help 
It might be irritating at first, but the first thing you do in the morning should be to open your blinds. If it is a cloudy day, flick on the light to shock your senses! 
Groove Right Through
Having a radio system that is cued to turn on at a certain time is a great way to wake up the house. Music is proven to release positive hormones which also help wake you up from a deep sleep. Tunes also offer a great way to start the day and put you in the right mood for success. 
Organize Important Items
