Tips to Help Sell Your Home in the Winter Months

Tips to Help Sell Your Home in the Winter Months

Selling your home in the winter months can present some unique challenges. I think we could all be in agreement with that statement! Depending on the area of the country that your home is located in, snow and ice and overall colder weather become factors. The days are shorter, the holidays keep people busy and so on.

If you are a motivated home seller there are many ways we can suggest to help you find a motivated buyer for your home. Here are some tips to help you market and sell your home faster in the winter months.

Keep the Exterior of Your Home Accessible and Inviting
  • Pathways and steps should be kept clear of snow and ice.
  • Turn on all exterior lighting in the front and rear of your property.
  • If you have a driveway, keep a space clear for the buyer to park. 
  • Make sure the railings are properly secured, and not loose or wobbly.

The Inside of Your Home Has to Sparkle!



  • Carpeting should always be freshly vacuumed. 
  • Keep the seating areas clear, such as the kitchen or dining room table. The buyer may want to sit down and talk, or have a cup of coffee.
  • Dust and polish the furniture until it shines!

In general, always be ready for a potential buyer's visit to your home. You (and your home) only get one chance to make a good first impression. You do not want to be caught off guard!

Put the Lights on in Every Room





  • Even if it is dark and gloomy outside, your home will be bright and cheerful.
  • Your well lit home will show better and keep the buyer's attention longer. A good thing!

Don't Forget to Set Your Thermostat





  • You will want to set the temperature to a comfortable level of heat.
  • The buyer will want to stay longer in your home. That is the goal!




A Pleasant, Aromatic Scent in Your Home Works Wonders!


  • Be sure to choose a light pleasing scent.
  • Use it gently, you do not want to overdo it!
  • For the kitchen, plan to use familiar and comforting aromatic scents such as brewing coffee, perhaps some sweets in the oven and a small pot of simmering cinnamon. 
  • The buyer will want to stay longer in your cozy and welcoming home and will not want to rush back into the cold winter weather. And that is a good thing!



If we can be of any assistance to you, please contact us. We look forward to hearing from you!
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