Places on Long Island Open for Spring 2021

Places on Long Island Open for Spring 2021

Things are getting better and better with each passing month, and now with the weather heating up, there will be plenty of opportunities to get out on Long Island this spring. Many spots will have certain limitations, of course, but it’s always best to stay as safe as possible anyway. Here are some fun places to visit and enjoy this spring season on Long Island:



The wineries have been open for quite some time now, but with limited seating. However, now that the weather is nicer, they will be able to accommodate more people! With this increased capacity, you’ll be able to enjoy a lovely spring day sipping wine outside. There are so many different locally made wines to try!

Museums and Aquariums

Starting April 26th, 2021, museums, aquariums, botanical gardens, and more will increase attendance from 25% to 50% capacity! There are so many historical museums to visit with the whole family across Long Island and, of course, we can’t forget about the family favorite Long Island Aquarium!

Movie Theaters

Also, starting April 26th, 2021, movie theaters will be allowing 33% capacity at all locations. This might seem like a small step up from its previous 25% capacity, but it still leaves plenty of room to see movies more often this spring! There are sure to be some cinema hits released soon.

Event Venues

We’ll see event venues and arenas move from a 20% capacity level to 25% after May 19th! This applies mainly to big stadiums in New York; however, there are many event venues on Long Island that this will be affecting as well. Summer concerts might not be too far out of reach!


Similar to wineries, restaurants have been open for a while now. However, with the weather getting nicer, it gives them room to allow for more customers! Outdoor seating has become very popular due to all the recent changes, but it will be a lot more convenient during spring and summer to allow outdoor eating.


Property Tax Reduction on Long Island

Here at P.T.R.C., Inc. , we are determined to help our clients pay the lowest amount of property tax as required by law. Contact us today to learn how to appeal your home taxes:
