Lawn Care Tips for the End of Summer

Lawn Care Tips for the End of Summer

Property Tax Reduction Consultants
125 Jericho Turnpike, Suite 500 
Jericho, NY 11753
(516) 484-0654 or (631) 484-0654
Lawn care is especially important in the late summer because the decisions you make now will carry you into fall. Your neighbors who carry on without acknowledging the heat's impact on their lawns will be dead by October and you'll be thriving! Well, they won't be dead, but their lawns will be! Here are some tips to keep that Long Island lawn clean in late July and August»

Avoid the Crew Cut 

While a nice and cleanly cut lawn is what we strive for, it's better to leave your grass slightly taller in the late summer. Temperatures begin to soar and this leads to rapid evaporation of the water in the soil. Taller grass is not only stronger, but it provides proper shade for the soil to help it retain water! Experts say to add two extra days onto your normal mowing schedule.
Water Early 
Watering is obviously necessary to keep a healthy lawn, but proper watering is often overlooked. If you have a manual or automatic sprinkler, you want to make sure you are running it BEFORE the sun comes up. If you choose to do it too close to noon, much of that water will evaporate before it even reaches the soil. This is a waste of the water you are paying for and it will lead to a dead and dry lawn. 
Dilute the Dog's Mess 
If you're a homeowner that respects your neighbors, you probably clean up after your dog's number two. But did you know that you should clean up after number one as well? On your own property at least... A dog's urine contains acid that can kill your lawn and cause it to look white or brown. When you see your dog lift a leg, let him/her do their business and then just give a quick rinse with the hose to dilute the urine.
Recycle Grass Clippings 
