How To Prep Your Home For Summer

How To Prep Your Home For Summer

With summer just around the corner, it’s important to start preparing your home for the season! Summer brings long days and fun in the sun, but to fully enjoy it, your yard and home must be prepared. Here are some tips to ensure your home is ready for the summer fun ahead:

Prep Your Summer Tools

Make sure you’re all stocked up on summer essentials before the season begins! Lawn mowers and edgers are key to keeping your front and backyards looking neat. Additionally, you can invest in any pool cleaning supplies or gardening essentials you may need!

Check Your Roof

Heat can cause damage to a lot of different areas of your home, but your roof suffers the most from intense hot weather. The heat can cause your shingles to crack and warp over time, which leaves room for other potential damage to your house. Inspect your roof for any needed repairs before the 90-degree temperatures start!

Declutter Your Gutter

Your gutter is essential for preventing water damage to your home. Over time, it can become clogged with leaves and other debris. You won’t want that when a huge summer thunderstorm hits! Declutter those gutters early on, so that you know your house will be protected.

Inspect The Attic

You never know if some critters decided to let themselves into your house for protection from the winter weather! Now that it’s getting nicer outside, take time to fully inspect your attic for any unwanted visitors.

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