5 Simple Ways You Can Get Involved With Your Community

5 Simple Ways You Can Get Involved With Your Community

Long Island is full of many caring, close-knit communities that often get together for events, causes, and more. Every town, both in Nassau and Suffolk county, comes together often— especially in the summertime! So, if you’re looking to try and get more involved with your surrounding community, here are some simple ways to do so!

1. Look For Local Events

Keep an eye out for any announcements in your local newspapers or websites to see any local events happening this season! Whether it’s a farmer’s market, art and music event, or block party, be sure to go!

2. Volunteer in Your Free Time

There are many ways you can volunteer your free time! Check to see if your local animal shelter or retirement center is accepting extra help. You can even end up volunteering to help set up local town events if your community center is looking for aid.

3. Stick to Local Stores

When getting ready for a shopping trip, consider visiting and purchasing items from your local stores and restaurants! It helps keep your town running smoothly and allows small businesses to thrive— not to mention it can be so rewarding getting to know your local store owners and businessmen and women!

4. Join a Group or Class

Sometimes the best way to get to know your community is by getting to know like-minded individuals who live near you! From favorite hobbies to similar likes and interests, you could meet some lifelong friends quickly. Join a local workout group or frequent different classes if you’re trying to learn a new hobby.

5. Consider Donating

A big part of what makes a community a community is through togetherness. So, by coming together to help those in need, it’s one of the best ways to get involved. When transitioning to a new season, consider donating clothes you haven’t worn or don’t plan on wearing. See what food items or necessities are needed and contribute that way. There’s always something you can give!

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